Moritz Leopold Bauchrowitz | Erhvervs-ph.d. | DTU Compute | | |
Peter Bauer-Gottwein | | DTU Space | | |
Carsten Baum | Lektor | DTU Compute | | |
Andreas Baum | Lektor | DTU Compute | | |
Celina Baumann | Regnskabsmedarbejder | AØR | 45 25 11 55 | |
Hubert Baumeister | Lektor | DTU Compute | 45 25 37 29 | |
Anders Baun | Professor, Sektionsleder Environmental Contamination and Chemicals | DTU Sustain | 45 25 15 67 | |
Mildred A Bautista | Laboratoriebetjent | DTU Fødevareinstituttet | 35 88 61 68 | |
Krutika Bavishi | Educational Developer | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Aeishwarya Umesh Baviskar | Postdoc | DTU Wind | 93 51 19 21 | |
Niels Oluf Bay | Professor Emeritus | DTU Construct | 45 25 47 64 | |
William Bay | Studentermedhjælper | AØR | | |
Frederik Bay-Jørgensen | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | | |
Mohamad Bayat | Associate Professor | DTU Construct | 45 25 47 34 | |
Logan Beattie | Studentermedhjælper | DTU Sustain | | |
Justine Beauson | Udviklingsingeniør | DTU Wind | | |
Martin Bech | Divisionsdirektør | IT Service | 35 88 82 03 | |
Jakob Ilsted Bech | Seniorudviklingsingeniør | DTU Wind | 21 32 66 16 | |
Liga Bech | Laborant | DTU Sustain | 50 74 62 26 | |
Jacob Mathias Bech | Postdoc | DTU Biosustain | | |
Andreas Bechmann | Seniorforsker | DTU Wind | 46 77 59 67 | |
Aude Marie Bechu | Postdoc | DTU Sustain | | |
Tina Holst Beck | Områdechef | AØR | 40 20 41 34 | |
Marlene Beck | Specialkonsulent | AUS | | |
Marlene Beck | Specialkonsulent | IT Service | | |
Peter Beck | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Energi | 21 35 65 35 | |
Majken Becker | Arbejdsmiljø koordinator | DTU Nanolab | 45 25 58 11 | |
Jimmie Stig Beckerlee | Seniorudviklingsingeniør | DTU Wind | 93 51 07 02 | |
Marvin Beckmann | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Compute | | |
Aleksandra Bednarz | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Sundhedsteknologi | | |
Eliot Richard Beeby | Food Culture Specialist | DTU Biosustain | | |
Sarah Schultz Beeck | Postdoc | DTU Space | | |
Peter Beelen | Professor | DTU Compute | 45 25 30 22 | |
Sophie Beeren | Professor | DTU Kemi | 45 25 21 23 | |
Leonora Hatting Beha | ScienceShow | DTU Kemi | | |
Dinesh Kumar Behera | Postdoc | DTU Fysik | | |
Ewa Magdalena Behr | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Management | | |
Laleh Behravan | Socio-Economic and Environmental Assessment Specialist | DTU Biosustain | | |
Lars Behrendt | Lektor | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Jane Behrens | Seniorforsker | DTU Aqua | 23 29 68 63 | |
Christopher Behrens | Hjælpelærer | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Claus P. Behrens | Adjungeret lektor | DTU Sundhedsteknologi | | |
Vasileios Bekiaris | Gruppeleder, Lektor | DTU Sundhedsteknologi | 35 88 68 28 | |
Dorte Bekkevold | Seniorforsker | DTU Aqua | 35 88 31 30 | |
Gabriel Bekö | Lektor | DTU Sustain | 45 25 40 18 | |
Gaia Belardinelli | Postdoc | DTU Compute | | |
Marco Beleggia | Adjungeret lektor | DTU Nanolab | 45 25 31 47 | |
Charalampos Belesakos | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Kemiteknik | | |
Selma Blom Belfakir | Erhvervs ph.d.-studerende | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Leonid Beliaev | Postdoc | DTU Electro | 45 26 36 60 | |
Michela La Bella | Postdoc | DTU Fysik | | |
Jerome Bellini | Project Coordinator | DTU Offshore | 93 51 16 48 | |
Rami Al Belmpeisi | Erhvervs-ph.d. | DTU Compute | | |
René Jørn Belsø | Specialkonsulent | IT Service | 61 71 39 99 | |
René Jørn Belsø | Specialkonsulent | AØR | | |
Vibe Meister Beltoft | Specialkonsulent | DTU Fødevareinstituttet | 93 51 15 62 | |
Alexandra Beltrami | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Fysik | | |
Gisele Alves dos Reis Benatto | DTU Tenure Track | DTU Electro | 46 77 54 12 | |
Sara Emelie Davidsson Bencker | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Sundhedsteknologi | | |
Karen Bendix | Konsulent | DTU Wind | | |
Michael Roland Bendixen | Erhvervs-ph.d.-studerende | DTU Construct | | |
Maria Pals Bendixen | Visiting PhD | DTU Biosustain | | |
Martin Philip Bendsøe | Professor Emeritus | Rektoratet | 21 36 27 13 | |
Bardi Benediktsson | Postdoc | DTU Energi | 20 61 41 94 | |
Jessica de Oliveira Benedito | Graphic Designer & Communication | DTU Skylab | 50 17 06 52 | |
Paulina Barbara Bengier | Laborant | DTU Kemiteknik | 93 51 12 99 | |
Hjalte Bengtsson | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Construct | 42 91 92 77 | |
Hjalte Bengtsson | PhD-studerende | DTU Byg | 42 91 92 77 | |
Antonio Ivon Richard Benigni | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Construct | | |
Meryem Benmarce | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Sundhedsteknologi | | |
Mathias Benn | Lektor | DTU Space | 45 25 34 56 | |
Haroun Taki Eddine Bensaadi | Staff Scientist | DTU Biosustain | | |
Samuel John Padraig Bensted | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Fysik | | |
David Bento | Tekniker | DTU Nanolab | 45 25 56 28 | |
Søren Kristoffer Roed Bentsen | Videnskabelig assistent | DTU Sundhedsteknologi | | |
Morten Berger Bentzen | Laboratorietekniker | DTU Construct | 45 25 41 77 | |
Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia | Lektor | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Tomas Benzon | Teknisk designer | DTU Construct | 45 25 48 14 | |
Hans-Henrik von Benzon | Udviklingsingeniør | DTU Wind | 93 51 18 29 | |
Iñaki Beraza | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Electro | | |
Rasmus Berdiin | Systemadministrator | IT Service | 35 88 85 15 | |
Dina Natalia Berenstein | Forskningskoordinator | DTU Aqua | 93 51 06 78 | |
Gemma Rose Beresford | Praktikant | DTU Aqua | | |
Rolf Henrik Berg | Professor, Head of Innovation | DTU Sundhedsteknologi | 45 25 81 06 | |
Jakob Brinkø Berg | Teknisk Projektleder | CAS | 51 15 74 73 | |
Marie Berg | Videnskabelig assistent | DTU Fødevareinstituttet | | |
Rolf W. Berg | Emeritus | DTU Kemi | 45 25 24 12 | |
Bertram Felix Berg | Studentermedhjælper | AØR | | |
Danjal Longfors Berg | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Space | | |
Søren Berg | Seniorrådgiver | DTU Aqua | 35 88 31 27 | |
Casper Willestofte Berg | Seniorforsker | DTU Aqua | 35 88 34 33 | |
Kirstine Johanne Berg-Munch | Hjælpelærer | DTU Fysik | | |
Kirstine Berg-Sørensen | Gruppeleder, Lektor | DTU Sundhedsteknologi | 22 27 58 68 | |
Claire Marie Bergaentzlé | Lektor | DTU Management | 46 77 53 61 | |
Federico Bergamin | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Compute | | |
Alberto Bergamin | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Construct | | |
Michael Stübert Berger | Lektor | DTU Electro | 45 25 38 53 | |
Sanne Schou Berger | Assay udvikler, ph.d. | DTU Sundhedsteknologi | 93 51 89 97 | |
Christian Berggreen | Sektionsleder, Professor | DTU Construct | 45 25 13 73 | |
Julie Hansen Bergstedt | Postdoc | DTU Aqua | | |