Book a PhD


For upper secondary schools

Researcher and role model:
Book a PhD student

Do you want to inspire your students with research and future possibilities? And do you want to show them how what they learn can solve challenges from real life?

Book a free visit by a PhD student from DTU, and have current research delivered directly to the classroom.

Book a visit

Book a presentation that suits your class

Our passionate PhD students research everything from Power-to-X to sustainable foods, enzymes, immune defence and marine life.

The PhD student talks about his path to research life, shares career learning and inspires students with vivid research from his field.

We offer various presentations suitable for biology, biotechnology, physics, geosciences, chemistry, mathematics, natural geography, social studies and technology.

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What do you get?

With a visit from a PhD student from DTU, you and your class will get:

- News from the world of research
- Professionally competent communication
- Contents of a module's duration
- A meeting with a role model
- Career Learning
- A presentation adapted to your level and interests

Practical info

What teachers say about the visits:

"It was great with a breath of fresh air from someone with a different approach and who was from a different academic environment. It’s inspiring, and we can never get enough input and specific examples from the real world.”
Geography teacher

"The pupils receive a lot of negative information about the climate, so it was great that I could present them with an alternative and a solution.”
Chemistry teacher

"We sometimes have visits by researchers whose level is too high for the pupils, which puts them off. But here things were presented in a way that enabled the pupils to follow what was being said.”
Physics teacher
8 JANUARY 2025