A journey to the ocean’s microcosmos: Discover the role of plankton in climate change

Faglige nøgleord: Climate change, plankton, ocean

Oplæg tilgængeligt på: Engelsk

We will dive into the ocean to meet our tiny heroes, planktonic organisms; discover many astonishing facts about their life, understand how the entire life on Earth relies on them and relate them to the ongoing climate change.

Would you believe me if I told you that a group of tiny marine organisms, which you cannot even see with bare eyes, has the power to support the entire life in the ocean? And not only this, every second breath of oxygen we take is produced by some of these little heroes through one of their “superpowers”, photosynthesis. Plankton are microscopic organisms that float in the ocean consisting of phytoplankton (plant – like organisms) and zooplankton (the smallest animals on Earth).

In this lecture, we will first see how beautiful and morphologically diverge these organisms are and understand why they are the basis of life in the ocean. In the second part, we will focus on the ongoing climate change, by explaining the greenhouse concept and how these planktonic organisms help us mitigate its effects by storing carbon in the deep ocean.


Fag og faglige nøgleord

Dette oplæg passer for eksempel godt til:





  • Climate change
  • Plankton
  • Ocean

Sprog og form på besøget

Klassebesøg eller foredrag?

Dette oplæg kan tilpasses enten til en klasse (op til ca. 28 elever), hvor den ph.d.-studerende har mulighed for at have dialog med eleverne, eller til en større forsamling, så det får karakter af foredrag.



Dette oplæg er tilgængeligt på engelsk.


Digitalt eller fysisk besøg?

Den ph.d.-studerende kommer gerne ud på jeres skole til et fysisk besøg, men møder jer også digitalt via platformen Zoom, hvis I foretrækker det.

Øvrig information

Dette oplæg er ikke tilgængeligt i januar 2024.

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Taja Andersen Brenneche
45 25 10 57
15 DECEMBER 2024