Faglige nøgleord: Aquaculture, food systems, sustainability, climate change, marine biology
Oplæg tilgængeligt på: Engelsk
My presentation will introduce how the Earth's growing population is putting pressure on our current food systems and how using aquaculture can help alleviate that if it is done sustainably. We will introduce ideas of food supply chains, the growth of aquaculture, current agricultural food systems and the tools (life cycle assessment) necessary to grow aquaculture with regards to climate change. We will have some interactive portions (menti) and one longer activity where students can identify hotspots in farming systems that they create.
I am from California, USA and I decided to go to graduate school after working for 6 years as a marine biologist. I choose to come to Denmark because they are one of the leading countries in sustainability research and has great established aquaculture that is done sustainably. I will include this in my introduction of my presentation.