Can insect protein be our alternative food ingredients?

Faglige nøgleord: Climate, alternative protein, insect, protein, extraction, solubility, emulsions

Oplæg tilgængeligt på: Engelsk

My educational background is Masters in Animal Science from University of Copenhagen with specialization in insect production. I did my Bachelor 's degree in Veterinary science and animal husbandry in which I was much focused on health of farm animals and that was my interest field since I was in high school.

My project  covers the whole value chain process of producing insects by giving them biowastes  and supplementing with probiotics. Secondly, I will use the insects which I produced to extract protein using suitable green technologies. After I extract protein, I will study the functional properties of the extracts to understand how we can utilize them as protein ingredients in making a food product.  Since I am much focused in nutrient recycling and creating value added and nutritionally balanced food ingredients, it is  in large extent addressing the UN sustainability gools and also in interest of DTU's sustainability goals. 


Fag og faglige nøgleord

Dette oplæg passer for eksempel godt til:





  • Climate
  • Alternative protein
  • Insect
  • Protein
  • Extraction
  • Solubility
  • Emulsions

Sprog og form på besøget

Klassebesøg eller foredrag?

Dette oplæg kan tilpasses enten til en klasse (op til ca. 28 elever), hvor den ph.d.-studerende har mulighed for at have dialog med eleverne, eller til en større forsamling, så det får karakter af foredrag.



Dette oplæg er tilgængeligt på engelsk.


Digitalt eller fysisk besøg?

Den ph.d.-studerende kommer gerne ud på jeres skole til et fysisk besøg.

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Taja Andersen Brenneche
45 25 10 57
14 DECEMBER 2024