Extracting oil for another 30 years? Yes, but how to limit the environmental impact?

Faglige nøgleord: Oil, energy, environment, impact, marine life

Oplæg tilgængeligt på: Engelsk, fransk og italiensk

I am a geologist as background, but I am acting like an environmental chemist. I am trying to quantify the environmental impact of oil and gas offshore production on the Danish North Sea. 
I believe that encouraging people about our energy transition is fundamental. It is possible to keep using oil - which we still need for pharma, fuels, chemicals, and plastics - but it's all about HOW we want to do it. And for sure, we want to make it as clean as possible! Without polluting the sea and affecting the marine organisms! 
I have always been attracted by the hidden science behind everyday life, so it was spontaneous for me to choose geology as my major for my Bachelor's and Master's degrees so I could understand where materials were made from. Then, I realized that my competencies could be useful in understanding the current environmental issues of our society (like oil and gas production).


Fag og faglige nøgleord

Dette oplæg passer for eksempel godt til:






  • Oil
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Impact
  • Marine life

Sprog og form på besøget

Klassebesøg eller foredrag?

Dette oplæg kan tilpasses enten til en klasse (op til ca. 28 elever), hvor den ph.d.-studerende har mulighed for at have dialog med eleverne.



Dette oplæg er tilgængeligt på engelsk, fransk og italiensk.


Digitalt eller fysisk besøg?

Den ph.d.-studerende kommer gerne ud på jeres skole til et fysisk besøg, men møder jer også digitalt via platformen Zoom, hvis I foretrækker det.

Øvrig information

 Dette oplæg er ikke tilgængeligt i december 2024.

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Taja Andersen Brenneche
45 25 10 57
5 MARTS 2025