More environmentally-friendly does not mean environmentally-friendly enough

Faglige nøgleord: climate change, sustainability, planetary boundaries, eco-design, circular economy, life-cycle assessment

Oplæg tilgængeligt på: engelsk og fransk

There are today plenty of products that we perceive as sustainable; those can go from products using recycled materials to energy-efficient machines for example. But when we are asked what this means, we usually come up with the justification that those products are environmentally better than others fulfilling the same function. Water bottles are for example perceived as better than plastic bottles because we think they have lower environmental impacts. So what we truly mean is actually that they are more sustainable. But does more sustainable mean sustainable enough? If not, how to define a product that is sustainable enough?

My PhD builds on the concept of Absolute sustainability. The idea: acknowledging that we live in a finite planet that offers limited environmental budgets for all our activities.

My goal is to downscale those budgets for products, and help companies design products that are not just better than they are today, but that are good enough from an absolute perspective.

Fag og faglige nøgleord

Dette oplæg passer for eksempel godt til:








  • Climate change
  • Sustainability
  • Planetary boundaries
  • Eco-design
  • Circular economy
  • Life-cycle assessment

Sprog og form på besøget

Klassebesøg eller foredrag?

Dette oplæg kan tilpasses enten til en klasse (op til ca. 28 elever), hvor den ph.d.-studerende har mulighed for at have dialog med eleverne, eller til en større forsamling, så det får karakter af foredrag.



Dette oplæg er tilgængeligt på engelsk og fransk.


Digitalt eller fysisk besøg?

Den ph.d.-studerende kommer gerne ud på jeres skole til et fysisk besøg, men møder jer også digitalt via platformen Zoom, hvis I foretrækker det.

Øvrig information

Dette oplæg er ikke tilgængeligt i august 2022 samt første halvdel af september 2022.

Er du interesseret i dette oplæg?


Taja Andersen Brenneche
45 25 10 57
12 DECEMBER 2024