Faglige nøgleord: Quantum computer, optics, optical laboratory, machine learning, quantum algorithm, quantum optics, applied physics
Oplæg tilgængeligt på: Engelsk og tysk
In my presentation I focus on my work as an experimental physicist working on developing quantum technology and communication infrastructure in an optical laboratory.
I present basic optical experiments on an experimental table with mirrors and lasers and how this can be scaled down to photonic chips, similar to electronical components in computers or phones.
I present the most basic concepts of quantum mechanics and how we can use them to build quantum computers and other quantum-based technology, like quantum sensors or quantum security protocols.
Quantum technologies are part of a wide research field that is both interesting to study and provides promising new technology for future applications. I would like to bring this seemingly complicated and hard to understand topic closer to interested students to show them that it is indeed possible to work and study in that field.
I am a first year PhD student from Germany. Initially I dropped out of high school, became a state certified optician and worked several years as an optician, before going back to school to obtain a high school degree. I then moved on to study Physics at the LMU in Munich, before moving to Copenhagen, where I got my Master’s Degree in Physics with specialization in Quantum Physics. After working at the Niels Bohr Institute for some months, I then started a PhD in Quantum Reservoir Computing at DTU. I am a woman in a technical field from a family without any academic background.