Faglige nøgleord: ArtificiaI Intelligence, electronics, nanotechnology, material science
Oplæg tilgængeligt på: Engelsk og italiensk
Artificial inteligence (AI) has been developing at a really high pace in recent times, reshaping the way we deal with everyday tasks. The potential is huge, but there are clear limitiations as well, that might - in the long run - limit its growth. To properly functon, AI systems necessitate of a big computational power, which translates into huge energy consumption; this is clearly not sustainable and a a solution is strongly required. To find one, we have to go back to the building block of every computer, the transistor. The one currently used the most is quite power hungry and its dimensions cannot be reduced under a certain limit. Intel, on the other hand, has in recent times theorized a new model of transitor, which would be smaller and more energy efficient. Unfortunately it exists only on paper, as the material needed for its realization is missing.
My reaserch, which moves in the fields of materal science and nanotechnology, has the goal to find such material using a rather unconventional approach.